On Friday, was having CMT II presentation.. in a mock seminar style.. of course I wasn't the main speaker, but emcee.. so still gotto be very formal type..

During preparation, hand shaking..

During opening, mouth shaking..

Whole body shake shake.. hahah :P

This one, its kinda 'normal' la.. that's how I presented in front of class during all sorts of presentations right??

But still.. I still have the super anxious feelings.. sigh~


-> u very good in emcee-ing. (wahahhhaa.. so happy :D lol thank u wor)


On Saturday night, during Dove Dance practice.. I'm in-charged of Study session..

supposed to present last month, but keep delaying as I not free or no transport and all..

so yesterday, finally its time for me to TALK!

was so nervous again~ during practice.. can't really concentrate too.. sigh.. keep worrying..

My topic is on Relationship.. I will share it here next round.. relationship, doesn't mean just de girl boy type of r/ship.. can be with family, friends or coworkers..

I've cited from a book.. its a whole chapter with about more than 10 pages.. but hv to summarize into just a 5-10 minutes talk..

during de Study session.. my audience.. I think got more than 30 people.. or 40++ I'm not too sure.. ranging from small kids to adults.. do you know how stressful was it? sigh~


-> not bad eh, very clear :) (hahaha, thank u thank u)
-> too many English words, some might not understand. (Yea, have to deliver in Cantonese and my Study was taken from an English writen book.. sigh~)
-> wah, relationship wor.. hmmm... ahhahaa :P


And finally, today.. just now..

have to share my experience upon my enshrinement.. during Gohonzon Appreciation Night just now..

Ok lo, I thought I can handle cos its about myself right??

But, its not as easy as I thought..

I wrote a script earlier, its about half an A4 size, but during my speech just now, when I was trying to look at de paper to see back what have I wrote.. seriously.. I was blank in de moment and couldn't rmbr what I wanted to deliver then.. I couldn't see a single word from the paper at all..

was I that nervous????


In addition, my audience...ranges from adolescent to late adulthood.. wah lau weh~ I dunno whether they understand what I was trying to say or not lor.. haha.. And also I think got about more than 20 ppl.. and I only know about 20% of the people there.. others.. strangers~~ so scary!!!

Feedbacks :

-> good good.. very loud voice!
-> wah~ not bad wor just now.. got confident ya.. :)
-> erm, dont really understand certain part.. cos you dunno how to express some words, so de sentences become incomplete lor.. (yea, I was delivering it in Cantonese~~~yess.. Cantonese AGAIN... hmmm..)


you see, everyday and night I gotto worry about all these.. wah.. really very tiring lor..

and tonite.. finally I will have a good night sleep.. lol..


2 comment(s):

i kn0w im a bit 0utdated.. but i didnt kn0w uve enshrined the g0h0nz0n! w0w! c0ngrats girl!!! :) d0 make the best 0ut 0f it ^^ miss ya l0ts... -leemei

hey lee mei~

haha.. outdated abit only.. haha.. cos ur so 'far' away ma.. hehe..

thanks thanks~ we strive together for it ya :)

missss uuuu toooo~~ muacks XD

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