Received email from Miss LLL yesterday.. after waited for so long~ feeling so excited whenever I check my mails..

So, the interview session will be on this coming Thursday (2nd of April)
So nervous and excited.. but worried too.. because, I don't know much about the organization~

Will be going there with Mun Mun.. hehe.. at least I have company eh.. phew~

And the organization's name is APE Ideas..

APE Ideas.. what will first comes to your mind when u see this?? Ideas eh???

When google-ed for it.. and it appear to be an event management company..

A-Advertising, P-Promotion and E-Event.

hmmm.. so what will be our job task there?? (if we ever got it la) haha..

At human resource department perhaps?? not sure..

FYI, I'm currently taking Psychology, not Advertising, Boardcasting nor PR.. lol..

Anyhow, I think it will be an interesting and challenging one *take a deeeeep breath*

sigh~ this Thursday... successful or not? Hopefully~ I will chant MORE~ I guess this is my first time attending interview?? Erm, previously at Prudential that one tak kira la.. haha..

It will be at Kelana Jaya, Dataran Prima.. I dunno where is it? Got to know that their previous office was at Dataran Glomac, which I knew where is it.. but this one, not too sure.. Google-ed map it, and its just nearby..

Interview~ sigh..

Friends.. wish ME luck!! haha.. eh no.. wish US (Mun Mun and I) luck!! hehe

- today found out something about Utar's management.. too sensitive to be discussed here..

just don't understand why they want to do so.. and why some other people want to do that..
so funny when we were discussing about it.. 'someone' disagree with whatever we said and banned everything because she wasn't at de same track as us.. LOL.. and pissed me off a lil~ nvm~ haha... very long don't have that feeling come out edy..

- this matter doesn't really affect me so don't care much..
BUT.. If.. if la.. (MunMun worried about) If, that organization will only wants to hire ONE intern (means either one of us) and the other one will be 'dump' to Cybercare.. then I think its extremely UNFAIR!!! Not to mean that Cybercare is not good or what but what for they want to place two people there for interview and only one will get the job? They should put some other alternative ways.. sigh.. we shall know what will happen after everything.. LOL~

::"The Nobody"::

::"The Nobody"::

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