To: MaMa a.k.a Madam Tan..


mama, i love you..

i don't say it straight to you doesn't mean that i don't mean it..


on friday nite, i've received an sms from wei chaw, saying that one of the WD had an colon cancer operation and still unconscious, and will have a daimoku chanting for her at weichaw's hse..

in the sms, its written that she's ka ling's mother.. ka ling??? i dunno any ka ling, then just to confirm will it be kar leng instead.. and, ya, she's kar leng's mum...

i was shocked.. last week they just went for a family vacation in langkawi.. and now... colon cancer??? (read from net that it is a 3rd most common cancer in western country) was she being diagnose some time ago which kar leng just didn't mention it to us?? i don't know..

so i msged her yesterday afternoon to ask whether will she be going for dance practice and bout aunty's condition..

well, in her sms, i think kar leng is fine..

to my relief, the 'unconscious' means that her mum was too tired after operation so she just fell asleep... phew! thank god she's fine.. its a great mother's day gift for herself too.. and after operation need to do chemo all...

family support is very important for her now..

Kar Leng, hope ur mum will get well soon.. be strong and chant for her speed recovery.. though we sama sama malas to chant wan.. hahaha.. will update you about dance stuff when i meet u soon lo k... miss u very much big eyes! :)

*Do appreciate people around you all the time*

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