its already middle of my sem break and seems that holidays just started.. haha.. been lazying around the house.. online, watch tv, going out, sleeping is the most.. half of my day spent on sleeping.. haha..

ppl asked me.. hey!how's hols so far??

erm..okok ler.. not really a holiday though.. compared to our 3 months hols last year..LOL..

that's more than enough and we wouldn't have the chance anymore.. sob sob..

my room is only 10% clean.. yesterday was so in the mood of cleaning.. suddenly.. phone rang and i just... OK.. keluar dari rumah.. sigh..

it was wan chier.. another long lost fren of mine..LOL.. no la.. i told her before, when i didn't get any phone calls from u.. its a good news.. haha.. means that she don't have any problems to complain to me.. haha.. but anyway, anything also u can feel free to call me out la ya..

at nite.. met another long lost fren too... my ex classmate of 5C samadian.. hahaha...
dia ialah ong chun wai.. haih.. from far i saw him coming, i told joshua that he gonna criticize me for sure.. means chunwai's 1st word to me when he see me sure something bad wan.. see see...i was so right!!..

"Hey.. FAT! what are u doing here?"

haih.. as expected.. he's still the same old chunwai.. pls la.. grow up abit la :P

called up a few ppl n sms pranked someone.. of cos not me doing it.. is them! sigh..

well, not gonna out at nite so often anymore.. someone doesn't like it.. so..okay, i'll try to be good..


kinder bueno white~~ yummy yummy...

this is the choc karleng gave me.. from langkawi.. wonder kor will buy de same thing for me anot leh?? ada itu toblerone oso i mau!!

see de time there.. almost 11pm at nite and i finished 1 whole bar by myself.. in front of the tv.. parents shared the other one... haha.. nvm la.. not feeling guilty at all cos.. its so so so NICE~~


rosie rose..

smells nice..

rose for me??? NO~~

rose from me to my mum??? NO~~

last monday discussion meeting.. other young women division girls presented this to all the mothers.. in conjunction with mother's day lo...

i was holding one.. wanted to hand it to my mum.. but Li Li said.. i give ur mum and u give my mum k..?

??? ok lor.. *swt*


rain asked me.. have i started my plan yet?? erm... not yet lo.. and im so lazy to start .. sigh..

but, yesterday nite miss cheah called me.. haha...

"hey, u still want to ........ or not wan??"

yes of cos i want.. but..lazy la.. hahaha...

finally, making an appointment with her tmr afternoon.. cannot be lazy edy.. really must get things started!!! the longer i drag it, the lazier i'll become and IT won't succeed..

told a few frens of mine.. when i got it started.. we don't meet for about 4 months k.. and see the difference.. hehe.. BUT.. if it is successful la.. haha.. hopefully yes~


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